Man, the time is just getting away from me this summer! We have had the best weather lately, and I seem to be outside all day, waterparks, lakes, and on the hottest days a few hours at the mall (hey, a girl needs to shop). By the time the girls are in bed, all I want is to watch a few hours of mindless TV and pack it in. We're also off camping every weekend we can - so there's loads of sand-filled laundry, and many trips to the grocery store.
But that's what summer's about, right?
For us, this summer is also about gardening! If you knew my husband or I, you would be laughing out loud right now! Every year we try to garden, and every year we end up with brown flowers that are either drowning in water or crispy and dead of thirst!
This summer, our first in this house (remind me to tell you more about our little house with huge gardens!), we decided to cultivate some veggies in the beds in the backyard. Believe it or not, we are actually having some success!
We have been munching on butter lettuce for awhile
On the design front, I am nearly caught up on orders and brainstorming fall designs! Tomorrow, keep your eyes open for a fab one of a kind fall transition set.
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I pretty much have the same success with gardening as you do! Congrats on your live veggies!!!
We wanted to do the veggie garden with the kids this year, but the flooding rains pretty much drowned everything!
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