Thursday, September 27, 2007


Anyone out there?

Sorry I've been a very bad, absent blogger of late! Life gets busy, and somehow my blogging, as much as I enjoy is not something that I am good at keeping up with! I wasn't very good at keeping a journal either - I have all these old journals from when I was was a kid, with only 3 or 4 pages of writing in them.

This baby has been cooking for 28 weeks now, and I've been growing at a crazy rate! I have been feeling big, and having people ask me daily "Are you due yet?" has added to the feeling. Finally, I was measured, and I am in fact, REALLY BIG. I am measuring 36 weeks!! No wonder I am waddling, growing out of clothes, and having people look at me funny! I have to have an ultrasound to see what's going on in there, because for my uterus to grow 11 cm in 4 weeks...not so normal.

On the design front, I have a new Christmas set up on eBay for the launch celebrating my friend Jen's fabric website, FabricBliss. The fabrics are all available on her site, and I have another set I am trying to get done for the launch - but truthfully I can barely reach the sewing machine past this monstrous tummy!

Click here to see the set.

Click here to see the whole launch.


The Wooden Spool said...

Wow, you've been one busy momma! :) So cute!!!! (the set)
Hang in there! It won't be long before baby pops out and you have your hands full! :)

amelia said...

Darling outfit!!!

Okay that picture cracked me up (the sorry one)'re 100% forgiven! LOL


Kristen said...


that picture makes up for any lakc of posts LOL...let us know what the dr. says!

couture*4*my*cutie said...

I just love that set! I know how you feel about being huge! I feel huge too! I am only 24 weeks, but I feel like I could pop any day. Not fun at all!


andrea said...

Poor Becky , I feel with you!!
I always looked as if I would become twins , not even thinking about seeing my toes.
But you have made beautiful sewing , I really love your work.

Steffi said...

Wonderful outfit and you are so creative!


Anonymous said...

hey Becky...are you okay? the last post you made you were concerned about the pregnancy...and now 2 1/2 months later I am hoping you and baby are okay...update us please! :)

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Anonymous said...

I too am wondering about the newest baby ! Updates please....

Jennifer Zaruk