Friday, March 28, 2008

A Swingy Sundress

I have a new design!! Woot, woot!!

Sewing is such therapy for me, I need to make time for it. To that cause, I have a girl coming after school a few times a week to watch the kids around the house and in the yard while I sew. It feels soooo decadent, but AWESOME at the same time! And I've already used the time to make something! Click here to check out the Etsy listing for the happy little sundress I made! I am literally grinning just thinking about it!

On another front...the protest against the library lockout was so is not the right word. How about torture? After the well-attended protest, I went with a few (read 3) other moms to a storytime sit-in at the Labour Relations office, where despite being asked to leave (repeatedly) we sat on the floor of the lobby and read stories. I almost peed my pants, I was so scared!! The good news is that the union and bosses have resumed talks and are hopeful for a resolution! Dear god, I hope so, because I don't know if I can do that again!!

Click here to watch the news coverage of the rally and sit-in. You can catch a glimpse of the side of my head about halfway through, and some shots of the kids, too.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Social Activism for the very young

Greater Victoria library workers have been locked out by the GVLRA since February 17. The lockout has affected not only the library workers, but in this house, we have been personally devastated by the closure of the libraries! We miss storytimes, new books, movies, computer games...everything! I have been reading about others affected, like shut-ins, the elderly, the homeless, and researchers, and am really upset the this resource has been taken away. We support the library workers!

I'm taking the girls to a rally this morning organized by a fellow blogger. I helped them make signs with their personal sentiments about the library closure, and am feeling an anticipation of the pride I will feel when I see them stomping around in protest!

I'm thinking of pinning a sign on Lilah's wrap, is she too young to protest?