Monday, November 24, 2008

Great big giant blankets

Looking for some Ambrosia Couture for a newborn? I am excited to be sharing a little sewing endeavour I undertook this weekend when I saw some funky fabrics. They were calling to me, and so I brought them home to make a few limited edition Ambrosia Couture blankies. Extra super big, they are about 40" by 42" and are great for swaddling, playtime, and light covering.

I cannot promise that I will ever be making one again, it got pretty tedious in my sewing room, fold, iron, fold, sew, repeat - but I am pretty sure that these unique blankets were worth it!

Click here to check them out in my etsy shop.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Late night musings...

Today was a H-E-L-L of a day with the girls. Actually, that's not true, the morning was so great! We played UNO, did some art, had a "Love Party" and I actually got two shelves of the fridge spic and span :) I even had a cup of tea. It was in my pyjamas, at 11:30, but who cares.

It was the afternoon that made me understand why people beat their children.

We drove home from school, and the baby - high off of only napping only 45 minutes ALL DAY LONG, was still not napping, but dancing to the music instead. We had to get a few groceries and I thought a quick drive would do the trick. When we got to the market, Lilah was asleep (VICTORY!) but then the two older monsters children flat out REFUSED to get out of the car.

What followed was much coaxing, threatening, and finally, a phone call to daddy. Which of course woke up the baby. Of course. So the three of us headed into the store, to my shame, baby chewing on an ages 3+ McDonald's toy. For about 4 minutes, it was bliss. The older girls even picked out some peppers for me. By the time we were kicked out left, they had cleared out the mandarin orange samples, and high on a fructose binge were both spewing pith left and right. The baby never did get back to sleep.

Dinner was a gong show, even thought it was delish - only Matt and I really partook. French onion pork chops, french fried potatoes and yams, salad and Scotch Baps. I guess the silver lining of today is that all three munchkins have been in bed since 7:10, and Matt had the foresight to buy me not only a bottle of red wine (to share of course) but a tiny bottle of my favorite cider. Thanks honey. Love you.

By the way, I did sew up a BEAUTIFUL reversible skirt on Saturday night. My sewing began with making a few large swaddling blankets for gifts, but once I got started I couldn't stop. Even though I went to bed at 1:00 AM, my mind was BUZZING until 3:00!! Hope to get it listed soon!

Let's see if I can't find a few pictures here to prove my kids are all still healthy and relatively happy, actually mostly alive after the post above.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sending a blog post out...anyone around?

Yes. I have been uber absent. Sorry! Life with my (not so) little family has been ticking right along. These three girls keep me very busy! It seems so sudden that Lilah's first birthday is looming, followed by Fiona's 4th birthday.

Part of me feels like after so long I should have more to report; like a fabric line to debut, patterns to unveil, a photography venture to undertake, or at the very least a sewing project to share. The truth is that I have litle to talk about other than that I am blissfully raising my family. See the pictures strewn all over this post to prove it.

On the sewing front, the babysitter thing that I tried earlier this year never really worked out. I guess I underestimated the challenge that my the three girls would present for a 15 year old. Looking back, I should have known better!! I am purging my sewing room and I'm hoping to get a few holiday skirts up in my Etsy shop soon. I know better than to promise that one, though.

Sigh. Life calls, I'm off to rescue the baby from her sisters. From what I hear on the monitor, she's up from her nap and all three have piled into the crib.